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Being A Parent: Tips And Tricks For Raising Great Kids

That magical day your child was born was probably one of, if not THE, happiest times in your life. The connection you feel with your child is a connection that is stronger than any other. The child-rearing tips in the following article can help you preserve the strength of that bond over the years so that, even as your child becomes older and more independent, your relationship will continue to deepen and thrive.

Be honest when talking to your child, and be honest when they are around you. It is important to build and maintain trust with your children.

You can clear an area on the counter in the kitchen, roll up a soft towel, lay the child back on the towel with their head over the sink, then gently run the water over their hair and scalp. This should make your child more comfortable with getting his head and hair wet.

If you bring a small child along on your travels, try to eat and go to bed at about the same time he does at home. Young children, infants in particular, find traveling to be quite stressful and upsetting. When you keep them in their proper bedtime routines and mealtimes, you will help them adjust better to the different environments they are in. This will keep them happy so you can relax and get the sleep you need and they need as well.

Children of all ages who walk to school should be wearing retro-reflective materials on either their clothing or backpack. You can also purchase reflective fabric strips that you can attach with Velcro to other garments. Your child will be visible to drivers in the darker early morning and late afternoon hours.

When you will be traveling a far distance from home, stop often if you have kids with you to keep them active and happy. Driving straight through to your destination may seem like the most efficient plan, but a more leisurely approach with down time for the kids will be more enjoyable for all. Make your road trip a fun experience for your kids by stopping at a park or restaurant with play area and letting them play.

When traveling with children, bring along some items that will be comforting. A vacation should be a fun and relaxing break for the family, but to a young child it may just seem like a disruption in their routine. Keep a favorite blanket or toy around, this will help the adjustment to a new location.

If you have a good relationship with your children when they are still little you will have a better one when they get older. Following these tips is only the first step in your bringing up a child journey.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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